Improve Efficiency, Operation & Consumption

Helping You Reduce Plant NOx, SO2 and Acid Gas Emissions… and Solve Water and Effluent Issues Too

With nearly half a century of experience in creating highly effective new and retrofitted environmental control systems for the power industry, Babcock Power Environmental (BPE) is today the undisputed leader in helping power plants reduce their emissions while maintaining the highest levels of safety, quality and performance in every operation.

BPE is far and away the leader in Selective Catalytic Reduction technology for our clients, and account for more than a third of all units in operation—and no wonder, as BPE’s unique SCR systems can often help power plants achieve upwards of 3-5% greater NOx reduction than other solutions. We also provide superior wet scrubber technology solutions, helping our clients achieve SO2 reductions several percentage points higher than other solutions. We provide highly effective wet and dry flue gas desulfurization systems for controlling acid gases, with the largest number of units in successful operation around the world. And, we have several advanced technologies that help our clients effectively control mercury emissions as well.

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Helping You Reduce Plant NOx, SO2 and Acid Gas Emissions… and Solve Water and Effluent Issues Too

With nearly half a century of experience in creating highly effective new and retrofitted environmental control systems for the power industry, Babcock Power Environmental (BPE) is today the undisputed leader in helping power plants reduce their emissions while maintaining the highest levels of safety, quality and performance in every operation.

BPE is far and away the leader in Selective Catalytic Reduction technology for our clients, and account for more than a third of all units in operation—and no wonder, as BPE’s unique SCR systems can often help power plants achieve upwards of 3-5% greater NOx reduction than other solutions. We also provide superior wet scrubber technology solutions, helping our clients achieve SO2 reductions several percentage points higher than other solutions. We provide highly effective wet and dry flue gas desulfurization systems for controlling acid gases, with the largest number of units in successful operation around the world. And, we have several advanced technologies that help our clients effectively control mercury emissions as well.

BPE offers new technologies in plant and waste water treatment through strategic partnerships to provide optimized solutions.  Technologies include providing non-chemical treatment for facilities looking to control aquatic invasive species, biofouling, dechlorination & disinfection. BPE also offers solutions and technologies to retrofit WFGD systems to eliminate effluent discharge or reduce effluent discharge from WFGD systems and provide multiple options for zero liquid discharge.

Learn More About Babcock Power Environmental

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BPE Aftermarket Products & Services

Bringing Scientific and Power Plant Expertise to Bear on Your Water Challenges

Drawing upon decades of experience, environmental impact studies, and inside insights into the inner workings of power plants and the internal interactions between air and water related processes, as well as an unmatched knowledge of boiler water and pollution control chemistry, BPE has been increasingly in demand to provide our expertise to help solve the water quality challenges of our clients, especially in the wake of the emerging EPA Effluent Limit Guidelines (ELG) mandates. We are delivering successes such as reducing wastewater volumes from about 150 gpm down to the 30-40 gpm level, with huge resultant savings in treatment costs, as well as developing systems to help treat water discharge to the mandatory drinking water quality as necessary.

Call us to see if we can do the same—or better—for you at your facility.



You’re Backed by the Substantial Resources of BPI.

Babcock Power Environmental is part of Babcock Power Inc., an international company with multiple specialized business units all working independently and together as needed to best meet customer needs. For example, BPE often works with sister company OEMs such as Riley Power when integrating high quality equipment to create turnkey solutions for our clients.

Contact BPE

Contact Babcock Power Environmental for a powerful solution to your air or water quality challenges. Contact us anytime to discuss your needs, and how BPE can help you tame your air and water quality challenges while maintaining the highest levels of safety, quality and performance.

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